녹아웃(KO) 마우스 | Cyagen Korea
Over 200 Live KO Mouse Strains Ready-to-Ship

Plus free door-to-door delivery to your animal facility. We ...

Top 200 Hot KO Mouse Strains, Only $4,999

With CRISPR-AI Knockout Mouse Sperm Bank, Cyagen has success...

CRISPR-AI KO Mouse Sperm Bank, $4999

With over 6,800 KO mouse strains in stock, covering 90% of h...

Get Your CKO Mice as Fast as 6 Months

Order today to get your conditional knockout models in a spe...

New Services
Cryopreservation & Breeding

Take advantage of our Cryopreservation and Breeding services...

Up to 15kb
ROSA26 large fragment knockin by CRISPR

Fragment size is up to 15kb for ROSA26 knockin projects.Cyag...

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