녹아웃(KO) 마우스 | Cyagen Korea
Start at $4,999
Over 6,800 knockout mouse models

Order any knockout strains belong to our promotion list (top...

Only $17,500
AI Conditional Knockout Mice

We are pleased to announce 300 AI conditional knockout strai...

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Share Your words & Win $2,000 Prize

Sharing your research direction and perspectives, or your su...

Start at $8,000
CRISPR/Cas9-based Mice, starting at $8,000

Cyagen's CRISPR based custom mouse models, comes with a germ...

Over 200 Live KO Mouse Strains Ready-to-Ship

Plus free door-to-door delivery to your animal facility. We ...

Top 200 Hot KO Mouse Strains, Only $4,999

With CRISPR-AI Knockout Mouse Sperm Bank, Cyagen has success...

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