녹아웃(KO) 마우스 | Cyagen Korea


Animal modeling has a played a prominent role in traditional scientific research for hundreds of years. More recently, inbred strains have been developed to support genetically modified models – sometimes called the “living reagents” or“living instruments” of biomedical and health research. Additionally, gene-edited animal models are widely adopted by drug R&D companies, scientific research institutions, and laboratories worldwide in analyzing the function of disease-related genes, studying signaling pathways, identifying drug targets, screening new drugs, and more.


Cyagen’s new exclusive webinar, titled “Platform for Rapid Generation of Genetically Engineered Mouse/Rat Models” introduces the techniques used to produce genetically engineered models. This webinar is presented by Cyagen’s Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Marvin Ouyang, who has over 20 years’ of dedicated experience developing custom rodent models.

Request our free webinar to learn about cutting-edge genome editing technologies and application limitations of animal models - such as genetically modified mice and rats.


Request This Exclusive Cyagen Webinar >>

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Webinar: Platform for Rapid Generation of Genetically Engineered Mouse/Rat Models


Main Topics: 

  • Strategies and methodsof different gene-editing technologies
  • Generation of transgenic mice by pronuclear injection (PNI)
  • Homologous recombination in embryonic stem (ES) cells
  • Comparison of Gene Targeting (GT) and pronuclear injection (PNI)
  • Nuclease-induced genome editing – Applications of CRISPR
  • Pros and cons of CRISPR/Cas9-mediated Genome Editing
  • TurboKnockout® - Accelerating ES Cell Gene Targeting



Dr. Marvin Ouyang

Executive Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer

Dr. Marvin Ouyang has been dedicated to the development of genetically engineered rodent models for the past 20 years, developing hundreds of transgenic and KO/KI mouse/rat models for biomedical research and drug development. Previously, he served as the senior scientist of Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation (OMRF), a scientist for U.S.-based Thios Pharmaceuticals , and worked for Taconic Biosciences as the leader of the Molecular Biology Department. So far, he has published many papers in high-impact academic journals such as PNAS and JBC. Technical services developed by Dr. Ouyang have been directly cited hundreds of times by top international journals, including Nature.


About Cyagen

As a global leader in animal model services, Cyagen provides major gene knockout (KO), gene knockin (KI), conditional knockout (cKO), humanization, and other model customization services in superior quality and full guarantee. Cyagen’s products and services have been cited in over 3,600 papers cross highly reputed publications and journals including Cell, Nature, Science and more - all in under 15 years.

  • AAALAC-accredited and OLAW assured Animal Center
  • Specific-pathogen-free (SPF) animal health status exceeds requirements of most facilities
  • Over 50,000 mouse and rat models delivered worldwide
  • Cited in over 4,300 publications across high-impact journals (Nature, Immunity, etc.)
  • Top-tier customer support: free consultations and quotes
  • 100% money-back guarantee

We invite you to connect with our animal model generation experts, obtain professional technical support, and even request specific topics of interest. Please contact us to request a personalized online lecture for your group!


2006 년에 설립된 Cyagen은 데이터, 알고리즘, 모델로 신약 개발을 가속화하는 혁신적인 CRO 기업으로, 동물 모델 맞춤화부터 유전자, 세포 치료 업무에 이르기까지 고객의 요구를 전방위적으로 충족합니다.
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