With CRISPR-AI Knockout Mouse Sperm Bank, Cyagen has successfully established and cryopreserved over 6,800 custom KO strains from mouse sperm, covering 90% of hot genes.
Order any CRISPR-AI KO strain from our list of the top 200 hot genes before July 31, 2018, and enjoy an exclusive price of $4,999 per strain.
——— Promotion Price ———
Service | Turnaround Time | Deliverables | List Price/line | Promotional Price/line |
CRISPR-AI KO mice | 7-9 weeks | ≥3 CRISPR-AI KO mice | $4,999 |
The following is a list of hot genes which have been most frequently requested for CRISPR-AI KO mouse strains by frequency of access.
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
{[ $index+1 ]} | {[ x.name1 ]} | {[ x.name2 ]} | {[ x.name3 ]} | {[ x.name4 ]} | {[ x.name5 ]} | {[ x.name6 ]} | {[ x.name7 ]} | {[ x.name8 ]} | {[ x.name9 ]} | {[ x.name10 ]} |
——— Can’t find your gene of interest? ———
If your gene of interest is not in the list of 200 hot genes, please visit CRISPR-AI Knockout Mouse Sperm Bank to find your desired strains and submit the request to us, or contact us by email at service-apac@cyagen.com or by phone at 86 20-31601779.
——— How to Order CRISPR-AI KO Mouse? ———

Visit CRISPR-AI KO Mouse Sperm Bank to order

Call 86 20-31601779
——— Workflow of CRISPR-AI Knockout Mouse Service ———
——— Key Benefits ———

Cancer Cell 31:697 (2017) IF=27.407
IMMUNITY 47:107 (2017) IF=22.845
Mol Cell PMID: 28943315 (2017) IF=14.714
Nature Genetics 48:904 (2016) IF=27.959