녹아웃(KO) 마우스 | Cyagen Korea
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  4. Top 200 Hot KO Mouse Strains, Only $4,999

With CRISPR-AI Knockout Mouse Sperm Bank, Cyagen has successfully established and cryopreserved over 6,800 custom KO strains from mouse sperm, covering 90% of hot genes.

Order any CRISPR-AI KO strain from our list of the top 200 hot genes before July 31, 2018, and enjoy an exclusive price of $4,999 per strain.

——— Promotion Price ———

——— Can’t find your gene of interest? ———

If your gene of interest is not in the list of 200 hot genes, please visit CRISPR-AI Knockout Mouse Sperm Bank to find your desired strains and submit the request to us, or contact us by email at service-apac@cyagen.com or by phone at 86 20-31601779.

——— How to Order CRISPR-AI KO Mouse? ———

——— Workflow of CRISPR-AI Knockout Mouse Service ———

——— Key Benefits ———

● Wide collection:
Over 6,800 strains covering 90% of hot genes.
● High quality:
Stringent verification of KO mouse genotypes.
● Rapid turnaround time:
Quick and efficient generation of live animals from cryopreserved sperms.
● Easy to purchase:
Order your desired mouse with just a few mouse clicks.
TRIB3 Promotes APL Progression through Stabilization of the Oncoprotein PML-RAR and Inhibition of p53-Mediated Senescence.
Cancer Cell 31:697 (2017) IF=27.407
The E3 ubiquitin ligase TRIM31 attenuates NLRP3 inflammasome activation by promoting proteasomal degradation of NLRP3.
IMMUNITY 47:107 (2017) IF=22.845
NLRP3 Phosphorylation Is an Essential Priming Event for Inflammasome Activation.
Mol Cell PMID: 28943315 (2017) IF=14.714
Hierarchy within the mammary STAT5-driven Wapsuper-enhancer.
Nature Genetics 48:904 (2016) IF=27.959