Project Type | Deliverables | Turnaround Time | Promotion Price (USD/Strain) |
Conditional Knockout Mice (cKO) |
≥3 cKO Mice | As fast as 3 months | $10,000 |
조건 녹아웃 마우스는 많은 연구 분야의 생물의학 진전에서 중요한 역할을 하는데, 이는 인간의 질병을 이해하고 약물 개발을 가속화하는 데 매우 중요합니다. cKO/floxed 모델은 전통적인 녹아웃 마우스에 비해 유전자 발현에 대한 정확한 시간과 공간 제어로 실험력이 더 뛰어났습니다.
제한된 시간 내에 10,000달러만 있으면, Cyagen AI 녹아웃 마우스 모델 eBank에서 당신의 조건 녹아웃 마우스를 얻을 수 있습니다.이번 기회를 놓치지 마세요.
Project Type | Deliverables | Turnaround Time | Promotion Price (USD/Strain) |
Conditional Knockout Mice (cKO) |
≥3 cKO Mice | As fast as 3 months | $10,000 |
10,000+ KO Mouse Strains (Cryopreserved Sperms) | 5,000+ cKO Mouse Strains (Cryopreserved Sperms) | 2000+ KO Live Mouse Strains
Cyagen has generated a number of conditional knockout mouse models with the using of CRISPR technology and the Cre-Loxp system for Cre conditional knockout (cKO). In this case, gene Slc30a7 conditional knockout mouse line was created in the C57BL/6N background and subsequently crossed with the proper Cre animals. The strategy of gene Slc30a7 cKO mice was to select exon 4 and exon 5 as conditional knockout regions. CRISPR technology was used for insertion of two LoxP sites flanking the cKO region for conditional removal using Cre conditional knockout technology.
Diagram 1. The schematic describes the first stage in developing a conditional knockout mouse model using CRISPR to generate a floxed mouse.
Figure 1. PCR genotype screening of the floxed mice. Amplify 5'LoxP and 3'LoxP fragments by using two different PCR primers, candidate positive transformant genomic DNA as template, wild-type and water as control. PCR results showed four mice were identified as potential founders.
Figure 2. Chromatograms of 5'LoxP and 3'LoxP PCR fragments from the floxed mouse. Genomic DNA extracted from individual mice born from microinjection of the embryos were subjected to genotyping PCR. Sequencing results showed candidate positive mouse No. 51 has LoxP insertions.
Promotion for Downstream Breeding Service
Homozygous 녹아웃(KO) 마우스 모델을 연구하는 연구자들을 지원하기 위해 우리의 녹아웃 카탈로그 모델을 구매하는 고객은 누구든지 homozygous번식 업그레이드를 제공하고 있다. 2022년 5월 31일까지 Knockout Catalog Model에서 주문하면 homozygous 납품품의 업그레이드-2450달러 절감! 견적 요청을 실행할 때 판촉 코드' HOMO22' 를 언급하세요.