Cyagen Cryopreservation offers fast and reliable methods for archiving embryos and

Cryoperservation of embryos and/or sperm is an ideal solution to maintain a live
animal colony for strains that are rarely used. This backup can save significant
space and prevent loss due to disease or in case an issue arises within your animal
facility, providing an alternative to manage the colonies that will be used for
research. Cyagen can back up your live animal colony by our embryo and sperm
cryopreservation services, which can not only protect your valuable strains but also
reduce your cost in the long run. We also can produce live animals for you in eight
to twelve weeks once your cryopreserved stock is preserved at Cyagen.

Service | Description | Deliverables |
Embryo Cryopreservation | Mouse | At least 200 two-cell embroys/line |
Sperm Cryopreservation | Mouse | 8-10 straws of sperm/line |

Service | Description | Deliverables |
Embryo Reconstitution | Mouse | Minimum 2 heterozygous animals |
Sperm Reconstitution | Mouse | Minimum 2 heterozygous animals |
Cyagen Transgenic Animal Center
Provide breeding colonies of mice/rats

Cyagen Transgenic Animal Center (CTAC) is a specific-pathogen free (SPF) barrier
facility. It houses 6,000-7,000 cages of mice in an ultra-clean environment. The
facility’s housing space is divided into multiple separate barrier areas, each with
its own restricted access, ventilation system, and husbandry staff. Cyagen’s
breeding service provides reliable, economical, and efficient breeding colonies of
mice/rats to support your research needs. All animal work is conducted in our
specific pathogen free (SPF) facilities that have been AAALAC accredited and OLAW

● AAALAC accredited and OLAW assured |
● Specific-pathogen free (SPF) animal health status |
Individually ventilated cage (IVC) systems that can house up to 60,000 mice and 2,000 rats
● Class 10,000 ultra-clean environment |
● Quarterly sentinel rodent health monitoring program |
● Quarantine for all incoming rodents prior to colony integration |
Cyagen offers
Transgenic founder mice/rats breeding
to F1

Description | Deliverables | Turnaround Time |
Mouse | A minimum of 2 F1 animals per line | ~3 months |
Rat | A minimum of 2 F1 animals per line | ~3 months |
ES cell gene targeted
heterozygous mice
breeding to homozygous mice

Description | Deliverables | Turnaround Time |
Standard | 2~4 homozygous mice | ~3 months |
flox/flox | 2~4 flox/flox mice | ~3 months |
tissue-specific KO/KO and KI/KI | 2~4 tissue-specific KO/KO (or KI/KI) mice | ~3 months |
CRISPR-mediated genome
mice/rats breeding

Description | Deliverables | Turnaround Time |
Heterozygous | A minimum of 3 heterozygotes | ~3 months |
Homozygous | A minimum of 2 per line | ~4 months |